Monday, November 16, 2009

gratitude of the day

Our first night together as a couple, my hubby promised me that he would never give me a hard time during our marriage. It's a hard promise to keep but he does try every single day. The house is a mess. I only cook one meal day. The kids drive us all crazy with their crying but you know what? I would never trade them or my life for anything, EVER! I am grateful for my mini family.


  1. aww inshallah he tires harder and harder. Thats great. mashallah. except i think thats a lot to ask for!!

  2. awwww...know what? It's these hard times that build on to our character and togetherness. The crying kids will just be for the mean time before you know it they are off to college and you'll be wishing they could be little babies again. Well at least that's what I always hear from my mom. =)
